How many times have I seen someone and based on their appearance averted my eyes and ignored them all together? Do I take the time to look past their clothes to see the person? To see the soul? Or do I write them off as being lazy or a low-life? Surely God wouldn't want me to associate with them, right?
This morning I was reading about Jesus. He was walking the roads of Galilee preaching in their churches and driving out demons. All of a sudden a man with leprosy comes to Jesus and begins begging him to make him clean. Leprosy was considered at this time an unclean condition for Jews to have. People who had it were shunned and many times the community thought their leprosy was a result of some kind of sin in their life. Sound familiar? I think, we too look at the "have-nots" of society and our first thought is, what did they do? Maybe it was sin. It could have been one bad choice too many. It could also be life. Whatever the case may be, Jesus didn't have a problem dealing with the leper. Here's the story...
"A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus was indignant (or moved with compassion). He reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed." (Mark 1:40-42)
Now look carefully at that account. The man recognized that he was dealing with someone special because he falls to his knees. He understands that Jesus can do what he asks, but is he willing? I'm sure this guy has sought others to clean him but because of his condition they have turned him away. They didn't want to get their hands dirty. Jesus looks at him and he's like, of course I'm willing. That's what I came for. Then Jesus does something simply breath-taking...he reaches out and touches the leper! And at that moment the man was clean. No longer a shunned member of society. Jesus' touch gave him a new life. I love this story because it teaches me some valuable lessons.
1. No one is beyond God's redemptive hand. Any who choose to fall on their knees, as the leper did, Jesus is more than willing to heal.
2. I should be aware of those who are hurting around me, even if I may feel uncomfortable.
3. Jesus is always willing to heal me. Of anything. If I approach him in genuine repentance he will heal me. Even I come to him a hundred times a day. That's just who he is.
No matter what our story is, or our sin, we all need redemption and Jesus is always willing.
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